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Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage


Product disclosures

Continuous disclosures and important information

The below table provides updates to the PDS, significant events and important information. Any updates should be read together with the PDS.
Notice date Nature of change Impact of change Further info
1 March 2025

PDS update - replacement Investment Book issued

The replacement Investment Book has been issued. The new Investment Book is dated 1 March 2025 and titled Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Investment Book. This Investment Book should be read in conjunction with the current WealthFocus Investment Advantage PDS (including the current Features Book). The 30 investment options available on the menu remains unchanged

A copy of the new Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Investment Book can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge on 1800 022 033.

10 December 2024

Correction of distribution frequency for Perpetual Industrial Share Investment Option.

We refer to page 10 of the current WealthFocus Investment Book. The distribution frequency showing half-yearly – 30 June and 31 December in the Perpetual Industrial Share option is usually quarterly, 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December (not half yearly).


14 October 2024

PDS Update - WealthFocus Investment Advantage Suplementary Features Book issue.

Effective 14 October 2024, the WealthFocus Investment Advantage Supplementary Features Book has been issued. It contains updated information including:       

  • change to the Perpetual Cash investment option investment management fees 
  • update to the estimated ongoing annual fees and costs for each investment option reflecting the financial year end 30 June 2024

A copy of the WealthFocus Investment Advantage Supplementary Features Book can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge on 1800 022 033.

2 October 2024

Changes to the investment approach for the Platinum International investment option which appear on page 14 of the current PDS - Investment Book.

The number of securities has been updated from 70 to 140 to 40 to 80 securities. The updated Investment Approach wording can be found in further information.

Updated Investment Approach: The fund primarily invests in listed equity securities. The fund will ideally consist of 40 to 80 securities that Platinum believes to be undervalued by the market. Cash may be held when undervalued securities cannot be found. Platinum may short sell securities that it considers overvalued and may also use derivatives. The fund will typically have 50% or more net equity exposure. Platinum manages risk associated with currency exposure through the use of hedging devices (eg foreign exchange forwards, swaps, non-deliverable forwards and currency options) and cash foreign exchange trades. 

9 September 2024

Increase to the investment management fee for WealthFocus Investment Advantage Perpetual Cash investment option

Effective 14 October 2024, the investment management fee for the Perpetual Cash investment option will increase from 0.00% pa to 0.20% pa.

See attached flyer

14 June 2024

Changes to the investment guidelines for the BlackRock Tactical Growth investment option which appear on page 17 of the current PDS - Investment Book.

The changes were effective on 28 March 2024. Refer to the flyer attached for the changes.


30 April 2024

Change to buy spread

The buy spread for the Perpetual Global Allocation Alpha investment option has increased from 0.26% to 0.30%, effective 1 May 2024. The incorporated transaction costs and current buy/sell spreads document has been updated to reflect this change.

See attached flyer

2 February 2024

PDS Update - replacement Investment Book issued.

The replacement Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Book has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to the available investment options. We refer to the updated changes for:

  • Vanguard International Shares Index (Hedged)

  • Perpetual Diversified Real Return

  • Perpetual ESG Australian Share

  • Perpetual Concentrated Equity

  • Perpetual SHARE-PLUS Long-Short

  • Perpetual Diversified Growth

  • Perpetual Smaller Companies

  • BlackRock Tactical Growth

  • Schroder Fixed Income

A copy of the new PDS can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge on 1800 022 033.

18 December 2023

PDS Update

The replacement WealthFocus PDS has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to your investment in WealthFocus Investment Advantage including: - updated fees and costs disclosure - cost of product information - changes to investment option profiles including changes to risk levels as attached - additional risks in the significant risk table - closure of investment options - changes to product features. Further information about the closure of investment options and changes to product features in WealthFocus Investment Advantage is set out in the summary.

A copy of the new PDS can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge on 1800 022 033.

13 September 2023

The Perpetual Global Innovation Share investment option (“Option”) will close on 24 October 2023.

Effective on and from 3pm on 12 September 2023, Perpetual will:

  • cease to accept new and additional applications (including switches) into the Option; and

  • suspend withdrawal requests in the Option.

Investors in the Option will be notified of the closure of the Option and be provided with information on their choices.

See letter attached

2 August 2023

Reduction of the investment management fee for the T. Rowe Price Global Equity investment option

Effective 1 August 2023, the investment management fee for the WealthFocus Investment Advantage - T. Rowe Price Global Equity investment option has been reduced from 0.94% pa to 0.85% pa.


3 April 2023

Changes to the investment guidelines for the BlackRock Diversified ESG Stable, Diversified ESG Growth and Tactical Growth investment options which appear on pages 16, 17 and 18 respectively of the current PDS - Investment Book.

The changes are effective on or after 31 March 2023. Refer to the flyer attached for the changes.

see attached flyer

15 December 2022

Important update for Perpetual Geared Australian investment option (“Investment Option”).

ASIC has revoked the Interim Order in relation to the Target Market Determination (TMD) of the underlying fund for the Investment Option (Revocation). On and from 15 December 2022:

  • the offer for the Investment Option under the Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Product Disclosure Statement issue number 14, dated 1 October 2022 (PDS) has recommenced; and 

  • we will resume accepting applications for the Investment Option and issuing notional units in the Investment Option in accordance with the terms of the PDS, as supplemented by the Supplementary Features Book dated 15 December 2022.

See attached flyer


30 September 2022

PDS update

The replacement WealthFocus PDS has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to your investment in WealthFocus Investment Advantage including:

  • updated fees and costs disclosure

  • cost of product information

  • changes to investment option profiles, including name changes

  • change to risk levels

  • additional risks in the significant risk table

Further information in respect of the above is set out in the summary.

A copy of the new PDS can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge on 1800 022 033.
29 August 2022

The Investors Mutual Future Leaders and OnePath Diversified Fixed Interest investment options ("Options") will be closed to new investors and investors that are not currently invested in the Options from 30 August 2022 pending their termination, expected in November 2022.

Impacted investors will be contacted by mail setting out their options before the termination.

9 August 2022

Changes to Perpetual Split Growth Investment Option (the “Option”)

From 1 October 2022, the investment strategy of the fund will change. Changes will be made to the Options:

  • Option Name

  • Investment objective

  • Investment approach

  • Investment guidelines

See attached flyer
6 June 2022

Changes to the investment approach and investment guidelines for the Schroder Strategic Growth investment option which appears on page 19 of the current PDS – Investment Book.

The changes have taken effect from 27 May 2022. Refer to the attached flyer.

See attached flyer
24 May 2022

Changes to the investment guidelines for BlackRock Tactical Growth investment option which appears on page 18 of the current PDS - Investment Book.

The changes are effective on or after 31 May 2022. Refer to the flyer attached  for the changes.

See attached flyer

3 May 2022

Standard Risk Measure (SRM) update

The risk level for the WealthFocus Allocation Pension Perpetual Global Innovation Share option per the ‘Investment Options’ section of the Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Book dated 1 December 2020, has been amended.

See attached flyer

28 October 2021

The AMP Capital Global Property Securities and the Aspect Diversified Futures Investment Options ("Options") will be terminated on or around 8 December 2021.

The Options will be closed to applications and redemptions from 3pm 28 October 2021. Investors in the Options will be notified of the termination of the Options and these investors will have until 29 November 2021 to provide instructions to us about what they would like done with their current holdings in the Options to be terminated.


22 October 2021

Monthly distribution – Bentham Global Income and Macquarie Income opportunities investment options

The July 2021 monthly distribution payments for the Bentham Global Income and Macquarie Income Opportunities investment options were larger than usual and there were no distribution payments for the month of September 2021. Distribution payments for following months are likely to be smaller than usual. Existing members have been notified. See attached letters.

Sample letter Bentham Global Income and Macquarie Income Opportunities investment options

11 October 2021

Reduction of the investment fee for the Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index investment option.

Effective 1 October 2021, the investment management fee for the WealthFocus Investment Advantage – Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index investment option has been reduced from 0.24% pa to 0.19% pa. For the updated estimated ongoing annual fees and costs for the investment option, reflecting the reduction in the investment management fee, please refer to the 'Ongoing Annual fees and costs reflecting the financial year ended 30 June 2021' document. The link for that document can be found under the heading 'Other Documents' above or under 'Further information' in the next column.

See attached flyer

5 October 2021

Marketing name change for the Perpetual Global Share Fund

The marketing name of the Perpetual Global Share Fund will change to the Barrow Hanley Global Share Fund from 1 November 2021.

See attached flyer

1 October 2021

Changes to the OnePath Diversified Fixed Interest investment option

In September 2021, the underlying OnePath Diversified Fixed Interest Trust (Fund) has made changes to their investment manager and investment objectives. Effective on 10 September 2021, the investment manager and investment objective profile which appears on page 6 of the Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Book dated 1 December 2020 is updated with the changes to the investment manager and investment objectives of the Fund as set out in the attached flyer. Also, information on the investment manager will be provided in the 'Details of current underlying investment managers' document which can be found above.

See attached flyer

17 September 2021

Updated disclosure regarding distribution payments

Updates to disclosure to clarify that distribution components may include capital.

See attached flyer

30 July 2021

Monthly distribution for these investment options for the month of August 2021 – Bentham Global Income and Macquarie Income opportunities

The distribution payment for these two investment options for the month of August 2021 will not be processed in the usual way (typically within 21 days of the end of the month). The July distribution will include payment of an estimate for the August distribution. Any differences between the estimate and the actual income received during August will be reflected in the September distribution. Notification has been provided to impacted clients. Please contact us if you would like to request a copy.


23 June 2021

Standard Risk Measure (SRM)

The risk level for the Perpetual Global Share Option in the fund profile found on page 14 in the Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Book issue number 9 dated 1 December 2020 has been amended.

See attached flyer

18 June 2021

Notice of Pricing Delays

Delay of unit pricing for a number of Funds and Investment options.

See attached flyer

10 June 2021

Changes to the Macquarie Income Opportunities investment option.

Effective on and from 1 July 2021, we have made changes to the investment guidelines for Macquarie Income Opportunities investment option profile, which appears on page 5 of the Perpetual WealthFocus - Investment Book dated 1 December 2020.

See attached flyer
9 June 2021

The van Eyk Blueprint Capital Stable, van Eyk Blueprint Balanced and van Eyk Blueprint High Growth Investment Options will be terminated on or around 24 June 2021.

Final payments were completed effective 22 April 2021 and investors were notified directly. Please contact us if you would like to request a copy of the notification.

1 June 2021

Changes to the Perpetual Global Innovation Share & Perpetual Diversified Real Return investment options.

 Effective on and from 1 June 2021, we have made the following changes to the investment option profiles which appear on pages 14 & 17 of the Perpetual WealthFocus – Investment Book dated 1 December 2020: Global Innovation Share: objective and investment approach Diversified Real Return: investment approach and investment guidelines

 See attached flyer
6 April 2021

Update to the Ethical Screening process

The Ethical Screening process has been updated for the Perpetual Ethical SRI investment option

See attached flyer
1 April 2021

Changes to buy/sell spreads

Effective 1 April 2021, the buy/sell spreads for some of the Multi Asset funds have changed.

See flyer attached

19 February 2021

Update on the van Eyk Blueprint Funds. Macquarie Investment Management Limited, the responsible entity of the van Eyk Blueprint Capital Stable Fund, van Eyk Blueprint Balanced Fund and van Eyk Blueprint High Growth Fund (the van Eyk Blueprint Funds) have provided an update on the wind up of the van Eyk Funds.

Investors have been provided with an update on the van Eyk Blueprint Funds wind-up by letter dated 16 February 2021. The letter includes correspondence from the responsible entity of the van Eyk Blueprint Funds, Macquarie Investment Management Limited, dated 25 January 2021. Please contact us if you have not received your update and would like to request a copy.

1 December 2020

PDS update

The replacement WealthFocus PDS has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to your investment in WealthFocus Investment Advantage including:

  • changes to fees

  • updated fees and costs disclosure

  • new cost of product information

  • changes to investment option profiles, including name changes

  • details on new investment options available to members and other investment options that are closed to new members

  • change of distribution frequency - changes to the investment strategy process

  • updated online member platform, myPerpetual which provides enhanced user functionality

  • clarification on how we consider switching requests

  • additional risks in the significant risk table.

Further information in respect of the above is set out in the summary.

For a copy of the PDS to obtain this information can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge at 1800 022 033.
9 November 2020

Reduction in management fee for the Perpetual Cash Option

Effective 9 November 2020, the management fee for the WealthFocus Investment Advantage – Perpetual Cash investment option has been reduced from 0.22% to 0.07%. Our estimated expense recoveries remain unchanged at 0.03%.

28 October 2020

Changes to Perpetual Split Growth Investment Option (the “Option”)

From 1 December 2020, the investment strategy of the underlying fund will change. Changes will be made to the Option’s:

  • Investment Objective

  • Investment Approach

  • Investment Guidelines

The management fees of the Option will reduce from 2.13% to 0.80% from 1 December 2020.

See letter attached

27 October 2020

WealthFocus update

From 1 December 2020 we're introducing a clearer and simpler fee structure including:
- lower management fees
- ending differential fee rebates on accounts where no ongoing adviser commission is payable and you have elected to receive all communications online (rebates may still be payable to Perpetual employees and to Wholesale Clients as defined under the Corporations Act.)
- ending ongoing adviser commission payments and rebates
- ending normal operating expense recoveries
Clients were provided an update by mail around 26 October. Should you require a copy of the letter please email investments, or phone us on 1800 022 033.

See flyer attached

7 October 2020

Change of distribution frequency for Magellan Global investment option.

The Magellan Global investment option has changed its distribution frequency from yearly to half yearly. The next distribution payment is expected for the six months ending 31 December 2020. In the Investment Book dated 1 March 2019 on page 14 for Magellan Global investment option, the distribution frequency and dates row is amended by replacing 'Yearly - 30 June' with 'Half-yearly - 30 June and 31 December'.


28 September 2020

Perpetual Global Share Investment Option (the “Option”): Transition update

The transition of the Option’s underlying fund’s assets to Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC was completed on 9 September 2020. Details of the estimated transition costs incurred are available upon request.

For information, please email investments, or phone us on 1800 022 033.

7 September 2020

PDS update: Changes to Perpetual Global Share Investment Option (the “Option”)

PIML has appointed Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC (“Barrow Hanley”) as investment manager of the Option and updated the investment strategy of the Option.

The buy/sell spread of the Option will reduce with Barrow Hanley managing the Option.

Effective 1 October 2020, the performance fee will be removed.

See flyer attached

27 July 2020

PDS update:

Changes to Perpetual Global Share Investment Option (the “Option”)

PIML intends to cease acting as the investment manager of the Option and will appoint Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC (“Barrow Hanley”) as the investment manager of the Option.

It is intended that with the appointment of Barrow Hanley, changes may be made to the Option’s:

  • investment strategy; and

  • fees and charges.

These changes are expected to occur by the end of September 2020, subject to the necessary documentation and other processes being in place.

Barrow Hanley will become a related party of PIML, and part of the Perpetual Group, with the proposed acquisition of a majority interest in Barrow Hanley by Perpetual Limited.

See letter attached


22 July 2020

Update on the van Eyk Blueprint funds.
Macquarie Investment Management Limited, the Responsible Entity of the underlying van Eyk Blueprint funds have provided an update on the wind up of the funds.

Investors in the Fund have been provided with an update on the fund wind-up by letter dated 22 July 2020. The letter includes correspondence from the responsible entity of the underlying van Eyk Blueprint funds, Macquarie Investment Management Limited, dated 29 May 2020. Please contact us if you have not received your update and would like to request a copy.



21 July 2020

Reduction of the management fee for the Perpetual Diversified Income and Perpetual Dynamic Fixed Income investment options. Please refer to the flyer under further information for details on the fee reductions.

Effective 1 October 2020, the management fee for the Perpetual Diversified Income and Perpetual Dynamic Fixed Income investment options have been reduced.

Refer to the attached flyer

16 July 2020

Reduction of the management fee for the T. Rowe Price Global Equity investment option

Effective 16 July 2020, the management fee for WealthFocus Investment Advantage – T. Rowe Price Global Equity investment option has been reduced from 2.15% pa to 2.06% pa. Refer to the 'Annual Investment Fees and Estimated Indirect Costs' table starting on page 16 of the current PDS - Features Book.


29 June 2020

The Standard Risk Measures have changed for some of our investment options. Please refer to the flyer under further information for the specific investment option.

Updates to SRMs for some investment options in PDS – Investment Book dated 1 March 2019. Investment Options profiles from page 5-21.

Refer to the attached flyer


26 June 2020

Reduction of the management fee for the Aspect Diversified Futures Option

Effective 26 June 2020, the management fee for WealthFocus Investment Advantage – Aspect Diversified Futures investment option has been reduced from 2.62% pa to 2.32% pa. Refer to the 'Annual Investment Fees and Estimated Indirect Costs' table starting on page 16 of the current PDS - Features Book.

15 June 2020

Reduction in management fee for the Perpetual Cash Option

Effective 15 June 2020, the management fee for the WealthFocus Investment Advantage – Perpetual Cash investment option has been reduced from 0.42% to 0.22%. Our estimated expense recoveries remain unchanged at 0.03%.

19 February 2020

PDS Update: Reference is made to the WealthFocus Schroder Balanced (‘Diversified – Growth’) investment option which appears on page 19 of the current PDS – Investment Book. 
The investment guidelines for the Schroder Balanced Investment Option have changed effective November 2019.

Change of investment guidelines.

Refer to the attached flyer


31 October 2019

BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited, the investment manager of the BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth and BlackRock Scientific Diversified Stable investment options have made some enhancements to the funds. Effective from 31 October 2019, the options will:                                                       

- Integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into the investment process                                             

- Screen out certain ESG sensitive sectors, including but not limited to Tobacco, Controversial Weapons and Nuclear Weapons on a fund-wide level.

The investment options will maintain their existing investment objective and additionally incorporate the above ESG considerations.

Please refer to the information provided by BlackRock for further details on the changes. 

As a result of the change, the composite benchmarks will change to reflect new ESG focused benchmarks for some of the asset classes. 

From 31 October 2019, footnote 25 on page 21 of the PDS - Investment Book dated 1 March 2019 should read:                                                                                                         

The benchmark indices include the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index, MSCI World Index ex-Australia Net TR Index (unhedged and hedged in AUD), FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Net TR Index (unhedged), Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Australia 100mn ESG Index, Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Aggregate SRI Select ex-Fossil Fuels Index (hedged in AUD), Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index, JPM EMBIG Div Core Index 100% AUD Hedged Index, FTSE Developed Core Infrastructure Net TR Index (unhedged) and the MSCI Emerging Markets IMI ex Tobacco ex Controversial ex Nuclear Weapons Net TR Index (unhedged).

The investment option names will remain unchanged until we next roll our PDS.


14 October 2019

PDS Update: Management Costs information

In this update, we replace the information in the PDS on management costs. Generally the management costs information have been updated for changes in indirect costs in certain investment options.

The information in the PDS and Features Book on management costs is replaced by the information in the attached flyer.

Refer to the attached flyer.
For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with this update.

8 October 2019

PDS Update: Accepting changes to bank account details by email

Effective from 8 October 2019, Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage will also accept changes to your bank account details by email.

All changes to your bank account details must be made in writing.  The instruction must be signed and sent to us by mail or scanned attachment to email.

You are able to use the Change of Instructions form to make changes.

1 October 2019

Fee change for WealthFocus Perpetual Cash

Effective 1 October 2019, the following changes will apply to the Perpetual Cash investment option:

  • Management Fee lowered from 0.57% to 0.42%pa

  • Management Fee Rebate lowered from 0.15%pa to 0.0%

  • Ongoing commission is 0.0%.

25 September 2019

Management Costs - Figures for FY 2019

The Management Costs for the Fund/s including estimated indirect costs, for the year ended 30 June 2019 is attached. This is additional information to help investors understand fees and costs on a year by year basis. This information does not update the PDS.

See flyer attached
18 September 2019

Incorrect ‘Portfolio Fundamentals’ Data on Fund Profiles

The 'Portfolio Fundamentals' section of some Fund Profiles previously contained inaccurate figures for:

  • Price to Earnings

  • Price to Book, and

  • Dividend Yield

for the period of May 2018 – June 2019.

The Portfolio Fundamentals are an estimate of forward-looking metrics. These figures are compiled by Perpetual for the purposes of providing additional information to investors to illustrate Perpetual’s quality and value investment process in action.

The figures were incorrect as a result of a data error relating to a corporate action on a single security.  This error has since been corrected.

The corrected information can be found in the flyer.

The ‘Portfolio Fundamentals’ will be found in Fund Profiles in due course.

List of impacted funds and additional information
3 July 2019

Reference is made to the WealthFocus Morningstar Growth Real Return (‘Diversified – Growth’) investment option which appears on page 17 of the current PDS – Features Book. The WealthFocus Morningstar Growth Real Return investment option, with effect from 1 July 2019, has lowered the Management Fee (% PA) from 1.95% to 1.78% pa. The other ‘Standard Fees and Costs’ remain unchanged.

Refer to the 'Estimated Management Costs' table starting on page 16 of the current PDS - Features Book.


1 July 2019

Reference is made to the underlying Vanguard Australian Shares Index investment option which appears on page 16 of the current PDS – Features Book. The Vanguard Australian Shares Index is lowering its management costs. As a result, with effect from 1 July 2019, the Management Fee (% PA) will be lowered from 1.40% to 1.38% pa.

Refer to the 'Estimated Management Costs' table starting on page 16 of the current PDS - Features Book.


6 June 2019

Update on the van Eyk Blueprint funds.
Macquarie Investment Management Limited, the Responsible Entity of the underlying van Eyk Blueprint funds have provided an update on the wind up of the funds.

Investors in the Fund have been provided with an update on the fund wind-up by letter dated 4 June 2019. The letter includes correspondence from the responsible entity of the underlying van Eyk Blueprint funds, Macquarie Investment Management Limited, dated 30 May 2019. Please contact us if you have not received your update and would like to request a copy.


1 March 2019

PDS update

The replacement WealthFocus PDS has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to your investment in WealthFocus Investment Advantage including:
- investment option name changes
- changes to investment option profiles
- removal of investment options
- external dispute resolution

Further information in respect of the above is set out in this summary.

For a copy of the PDS to obtain this information can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge at 1800 022 033.

1 December 2018

Cash investment option rebate update. The management fee rebate for the Perpetual Cash investment option was reduced from 0.35% to 0.15% pa in November 2018. However, this reduced rebate will take effect from 1 March 2019 and Perpetual is currently covering the 0.20% pa difference so the effective net fee to investors is 0.22% until then.

The management fee rebate change on 1 November 2018 will take effect from 1 March 2019.

For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with the 1 December 2018 PDS update.

1 December 2018

PDS Update:Management Costs information

In this update we replace the information in the PDS on management costs. Generally the management costs information have been updated for

• changes in indirect costs in certain investment options, and  
• the fee changes in the WealthFocus Perpetual Cash investment option that occurred in August and November 2018.

The information in the PDS and Features Book on management costs is replaced by the information in the attached flyer.

Refer to the attached flyer.
For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with this update.

27 November 2018

Update on the van Eyk Blueprint investment options.
Macquarie Investment Management Limited, the Responsible Entity of the underlying van Eyk Blueprint funds have provided an update on the wind up of the funds. Please refer to the attached letters.

Investors with holdings in these options

View letters

van Eyk Blueprint High Growth
van Eyk Blueprint Balanced
van Eyk Blueprint Capital Stable

2 October 2018

Fee change for WealthFocus Perpetual Cash

Refer to PDS Features Book, fee rebate - page 12. The changes to the investment fee and estimated effective total net annual cost  are as follows:                                 
Perpetual Cash investment option;
Investment fee:
Gross fee     0.57%pa
Fee rebate  0.15%pa
Net fee 0.42%pa

Estimated effective 
total net annual cost:  0.45%.

Effective 31 August 2018, the gross investment fee for Perpetual Cash was lowered from 1.05%pa to 0.57%pa. Effective from 30 November 2018, the fee rebate for Perpetual Cash will be lowered from 0.35%pa to 0.15%pa. The net impact of these changes is that the net investment fee for Perpetual Cash has lowered from 0.70%pa to 0.42%pa.

28 September 2018

The Trustee has decided to close ten investment options to new investors from 28 September 2018. These closed options will then be removed from the WealthFocus investment menu on 18 February 2019. The closing investment options are:                   
*Aberdeen Actively Hedged International Equity
*AMP Capital Global Equity Value
*BT International Share
*Grant Samuel Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged)
*Morningstar Balanced Real Return
*Morningstar Conservative Real Return
*Perennial Value Shares
*Solaris Core Australian Equity
*UBS Defensive Investment
*Walter Scott Global Equity (Hedged)

These investment options will be closed to new investors from 28 September 2018.

Existing investors in these options are able to transact up until 3pm 18 February 2019. Any investments remaining in the closed options after 18 February 2019 will be invested prorata across any other investment options held. If an existing investor only holds closed options, the account will be closed and money will be returned.

View Letter to existing investors

19 September 2018

Management Costs - Figures for FY 2018

The Management Costs for the Fund/s including estimated indirect costs, for the year ended 30 June 2018 is attached. This is additional information to help investors understand fees and costs on a year by year basis. This information does not update the PDS

See flyer attached

4 September 2018

The investment manager Aberdeen Asset Management Limited, has changed its name to Aberdeen Standard Investments Australia Limited.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 page 14 and Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Manager Information flyer page 1.


3 September 2018

Change to the external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme to which you can refer complaints that remain unresolved after having dealt with our internal complaints process. From 1 November 2018, any external complaints should be referred to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Please refer to the attached flyer for contact details.

Refer to PDS - dated 1 May 2017 page 8.


31 August 2018

We have lowered the WealthFocus Perpetual Cash investment option investment fee from 1.05% to 0.57% pa effective from 31 August 2018.

Refer to 1 November 2017 PDS Update: Fees and Costs information page 3.


1 June 2018

The underlying fund, Perpetual Ethical SRI, has enhanced its ethical exclusions and SRI screening process by:
- adding in additional categories of investments to be excluded;
- broadening the definition of negative corporate governance behaviour for SRI screening; and
- disclosing that derivative counterparties are now subject to ethical exclusions and SRI screening.

Refer to the Investment Book page 25 & 26.

The word "ethical' has been added to the Objective section of the Perpetual Ethical SRI Investment Option Profile. This should now read:
Aims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment in quality shares of ethical and socially responsible companies. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.

Refer to PDS Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 page 12 and Investment Book pages 25 & 26.

See letter attached

1 June 2018

The investment guidelines for the Perpetual Diversified Income Investment Option has been updated:
Old - Cash and investment grade securities (0-100%)
New - Cash and investment grade securities (75-100%)

The investment guidelines for the Perpetual Dynamic Fixed Income Investment Option has been updated:
Old - Cash and investment grade securities (0-100%)
New - Cash and investment grade securities (75-100%)

Refer to PDS Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 page 6.


7 May 2018

BT Property Securities Investment Option - The underlying fund, BT Wholesale Property Securities Fund, has changed its name to Pendal Property Securities Fund.

BT Australian Share Investment Option - The underlying fund, BT Wholesale Australian Share Fund, has changed its name to Pendal Australian Equity Fund.

BT International Share Investment Option - The underlying fund, BT Wholesale International Share Fund, has changed its name to Pendal International Share Fund.

The name changes to the investment options and underlying funds will be updated in the next issue of the PDS.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 pages 3, 8, 9 & 15 respectively and Features Book dated 1 May 2017 pages 15, 16, 33 & 34.


7 May 2018

The investment manager BT Investment Management (Institutional) Limited, has had a change of name to Pendal Institutional Limited.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 pages 8, 9 & 15 and Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Manager Information flyer page 2.


20 December 2017

Update to inquiries and complaints

We have updated our procedures to now be able to receive complaints relating to your investment irrespective of whether you invest directly with Perpetual or invest via a platform.

See attached flyer

1 November 2017

PDS Update: Management Costs information

In this update, we replace information in the PDS on management costs to:

• Consolidate the prior fee update on 3 July 2017 and 31 August 2017, and updated the estimated indirect costs in investment options.

Generally, the management costs information has been updated due to movements in indirect costs.

The information in the PDS and Features Book on management costs is replaced by the information in the attached flyer.

Refer to the attached flyer.

For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with this update.     

9 October 2017

Management Costs – Figures for FY 2017

The Management Costs for the Fund/s including estimated indirect costs, for the year ended 30 June 2017 is attached.

This is additional information to help investors understand fees and costs on a year by year basis.

This information does not update the PDS.

See flyer attached

9 October 2017

PDS Update: Transaction Cost document updated

This incorporated document has been replaced with 30 June 2017 information now available.

See document attached

29 September 2017

AMIT Regime

Perpetual has elected into the Attribution Managed Investment Trust (AMIT) Regime for the year ending 30 June 2018 and subsequent years.

29 September 2017

Changes to the investment guidelines for Morningstar Balanced Real Return,  Morningstar Conservative Real Return and Morningstar Growth Real Return Investment Options.

Refer to Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 pages 19, 20 and 22.

Refer to the attached flyers
Morningstar Balanced Real Return
Morningstar Conservative Real Return
Morningstar Growth Real Return
31 August 2017

Changes to the investment objective, investment guidelines and a reduction in the management fee (gross fee) for BlackRock Balanced Investment Option.

Refer to Features Book dated 1 May 2017 page 16 and Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 page 21.

Refer to the attached flyer
22 August 2017

Return of capital payments on the van Eyk Blueprint investment options

Investors/members with holdings in these options

View letters:

• van Eyk Blueprint High Growth

• van Eyk Blueprint Balanced

• van Eyk Blueprint Capital Stable

18 July 2017

We refer to an error in our Investment Book for BlackRock Balanced investment option -investment guideline - Cash footnote. The footnote is recorded as 11 however it should be 17.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 1 May 2017 page 21.

Cash footnote should read:                          
Capital allocation to cash may include cash, cash equivalents (including other BlackRock managed investment schemes) and allocation to investment strategies that have a cash benchmark, which may be used to implement security selection and active asset allocation views.
3 July 2017

The underlying Platinum Asia and Platinum International Funds have lowered their management costs. As a result the WealthFocus management fee (gross fee) will be lowered from 2.75% to 2.56% pa.

Refer to 'Estimated Management Costs' table starting on page 15 of current PDS - Features Book.

26 June 2017

Changes to the Constitution of the Fund/s

Perpetual has made changes to the constitutions for our Funds to allow them to be operated as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts. These changes will apply only from the time an election is made by Perpetual to adopt the AMIT regime for the relevant Fund. We will provide notification on the website if/when this election occurs.

26 May 2017

Proposed Changes to the Constitution of the Fund/s

Perpetual is proposing making changes to the constitutions for our Funds to allow them to be operated as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts.

See attached flyer
1 May 2017

PDS update

The replacement WealthFocus PDS has been issued.  It contains updated information in relation to your investment in WealthFocus Investment Advantage and WealthFocus Wholesale Investment Advantage including:                         - fees  and costs information following changes to ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1252].  The information on indirect costs and other costs have been updated in line with those changes       

- tax changes
- investment options   

Further information in respect of the above is set out in this letter.

For a copy of the PDS to obtain this information can be found on this page or contact us for a copy free of charge at 1300 022 033.
29 March 2017

We have been notified by BlackRock that the underlying BlackRock Global Small Cap Fund is terminating on 29 March 2017. This will mean that the WealthFocus BlackRock Global Small Cap investment option will also be terminating.

This will impact existing WealthFocus BlackRock Global Small Cap members. The option is closed to applications and withdrawals effective immediately. We will write to existing  members setting out their options shortly.

Refer attached flyer.
15 March 2017

The Standard Risk Measures have changed for some of our Investment Options. Please refer to the flyer under further information for the specific investment option

Refer to PDS Part 2 - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015. Investment Options profiles from page 5-26.

Refer attached flyer.
20 December 2016

Some of the investment options offered on WealthFocus will be closing in February 2017. Investors in these options are able to give instructions on what they’d like done with their holdings in these options either by:

  • completing and returning a switch form or

  • making a switch request online by using online account access.

Existing investors in these options have until 3pm on 9 February 2017 to give instructions. If we don’t hear from them the default choices outlined in our letter sent in October will apply.

1 October 2016

Change of performance benchmark for AMP Capital Global Property Securities from FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Rental Index Hedged in AUD Net TRI to FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Index Hedged in AUD Net TRI.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 8.

30 September 2016

Change to the investment guidelines for BlackRock Balanced Investment Option

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 24.

Refer to attached flyer
4 October 2016

The Responsible Entity / Trustee have decided to close ten investment options to new investors from 4 October 2016. These closed options will then be removed from the WealthFocus investment menu on 10 February 2017.

The closing investment options are:

  • Arnhem Australian Equity

  • BlackRock Monthly Income

  • BlackRock Scientific Australian Equity

  • Colonial First State Equity Income

  • Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure and Property Equity

  • Ibbotson Australian Shares Active

  • Ironbark Global Property Securities

  • Maple-Brown Abbott Australian Share

  • OnePath Tax Effective Income

  • Zurich Investments Global Thematic Share


Any investments remaining in the closed options after 9 February 2017 will be invested or returned to relevant investors as notified to them.

Existing investors in these options have until 9 February 2017 to provide instructions to us about what they would like done with their current holdings in the closing investment options.

View Letter

31 August 2016

Change the investment guidelines for BlackRock Scientific Diversified Stable Investment Option

Refer to PDS Part 2 - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 22.

Refer attached flyer

1 July 2016

Change to the investment guidelines for Ibbotson Balanced Growth Investment Option - refer flyer. The underlying fund has  changed its name to Morningstar Balanced Real Return Fund. The fund name will remain on WealthFocus as Ibbotson Balanced Growth until we next roll our PDS.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 23.

Refer attached flyer

1 July 2016

Change to the investment guidelines for Ibbotson Conservative Growth Investment Option - refer flyer. The underlying fund has  changed its name to Morningstar Conservative Real Return Fund. The fund name will remain on WealthFocus as Ibbotson Conservative Growth until we next roll our PDS.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 22.

Refer attached flyer

1 July 2016

Change to the investment guidelines for Ibbotson Growth Investment Option - refer flyer. The underlying fund has  changed its name to Morningstar Growth Real Return Fund. The fund name will remain on WealthFocus as Ibbotson Growth until we next roll our PDS.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 25.

Refer attached flyer

1 July 2016

Ibbotson Australian Shares Active Investment Option - The underlying fund has changed its name to Morningstar Australian Shares Fund. The fund name will remain on WealthFocus as Ibbotson Australian Shares Active until we next roll our PDS.



1 July 2016

Ibbotson Associates Australia Limited, Morningstar's investment management business in Australia, has been renamed Morningstar Investment Management Australia Limited.

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Manager Information


23 May 2016

The Standard Risk Measures have changed for some of our Investment Options. Please refer to the flyer under further information for the specific investment options.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015. Investment Options profiles from page 5-26.

Refer attached flyer.

16 May 2016

For Aspect Diversified Futures, the "Investment approach" has been amended as follows:                                                     Aspect takes a quantitative and systematic approach to investment management. Aspect has no market sector or directional preference, and markets are selected on the basis of diversification, liquidity and transaction costs. Aspect’s trend-following systems operate in over 140 of the most liquid global futures and forward markets and employ a quantitative process to collect, process and analyse market data in order for the model to determine a view of the trend following opportunities in each market in the portfolio. By maintaining a comparatively small exposure to any individual contract, Aspect achieves sector and contract diversification, thereby allowing a wide range of opportunities to be exploited and maximising expected long-term risk-adjusted returns. The fund aims to minimise unintentional currency exposure.

The fund uses derivatives (exchange-traded futures and over-the-counter foreign exchange forward contracts) to implement its investment strategy.

The fund strategy can and does take short exposures through the futures and forward markets traded.

The face value of the fund’s combined long and short positions will frequently be greater than 100% of the fund’s net asset value and as a result, the fund will be leveraged.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 26.


16 May 2016

The Perpetual Industrial Share Investment Option changes include:        

1. Investment Objectives    

Replace as follows:

Aims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment in quality industrial shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Industrials Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.

2. Investment Guidelines       

Replace as follows:

Industrial Shares*   90-100%

Cash   0-10%

*The underlying fund invests primarily in shares listed on or proposed to be listed on any recognised Australian exchange but may have up to 10% exposure to shares listed on or proposed to be listed on any recognised global exchange. Currency hedges may be used from time to time.

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 15.


1 April 2016

Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure Investment Option name change to Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure & Property Equity Investment Option.

Name change.


29 February 2016

Ibbotson Growth Investment Option is closed to all new investors effective 29 February 2016 until further notice.

New investors only


11 January 2016

For Ibbotson Growth, under "Investment approach" the stated long term average exposure of 50% to growth assets and 50% to income assets respectively is replaced as follows: "An actively managed diversified trust with a long term average exposure of around 70% to growth assets such as shares, property and alternative investments and around 30% exposure to income assets such as cash and fixed interest. The trust will be invested dynamically across managed funds, direct securities, exchange traded funds, foreign exchange contracts and/or derivatives. The trust aims to deliver real returns whilst preserving capital over the targeted investment horizon".

Refer to PDS - Investment Book dated 17 April 2015 page 25.


1 January 2016

Correction to investment guidelines

Investors in Ibbotson Conservative Growth

The investment guideline for Cash is 10-70%

1 December 2015

Change of investment guidelines for BlackRock Balanced Investment Option.

View change 


1 December 2015

Change of an index performance benchmark for BlackRock Balanced Investment Option.

Replace benchmark index UBS Global Investors ex-AUS NR (hedged in AUD) with FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Rental Net TR Index (hedged in AUD) for BlackRock Balanced Investment Option.

17 November 2015

Change of investment strategy for Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure

The changes will apply from 17 December 2015. Applications have been suspended until this time. Withdrawals may still be made.

View attached
1 October 2015

The standard risk measure for the Perpetual Global Share Investment Option has increased from 6 – High to 7 – Very high.

Clients with holdings in this investment option.

1 October 2015

Effective 1 October 2015, the investment objective for Zurich Investments Global Thematic Share Investment Option will change from a five to a seven year period.

Aims to provide long term capital growth with the benefits of global diversification. The fund aims to achieve risk adjusted returns that exceed the MSCI World (ex-Australia) Accumulation Index in $A (net dividends reinvested) over periods of seven or more years.

30 September 2015

Change of investment guidelines for Perpetual Diversified Real Return Investment Option. 

View changes

30 September 2015

Change of investment guidelines for Perpetual Conservative Growth Investment Option.

Effective 30 September 2015, the Investment guidelines for the Perpetual Conservative Growth Fund have been modified. The investment range for investments into Cash and enhanced cash is now 15-55%. Previously it was 15-45%.

16 July 2015

Unit pricing has been suspended for the:

  • van Eyk Blueprint High Growth

  • van Eyk Blueprint Balanced

  • van Eyk Blueprint Capital Stable

Investors / members with holdings in these investment options

View Letters:
1 July 2015

Change of investment guidelines for Schroder Balanced Investment Option.

View changes

30 April 2015

Change of performance benchmark for BlackRock Global Small Cap

Change of performance benchmark from the S&P Global MidSmall Cap Index (unhedged in AUD) to the MSCI AC World Small Cap Index (unhedged in AUD).

1 April 2015

Change to Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure Investment Option benchmark

New objective - To achieve a balance of income and medium-to-long term capital growth by investing primarily in Australian listed infrastructure and utilities securities. In doing so, we aim to outperform the Consumer Price Index ('CPI')* plus 4.0% over rolling three year periods.

*All groups CPI weighted average of eight capital cities produced quarterly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics

27 March 2015

Investment options closed and being wound up:

  • Alphinity Australian Share

  • AMP Capital Sustainable Share

  • CFS Balanced

  • Ibbotson International Shares Active (Unhedged)

  • Ironbark GTP Global Equity Thematic

  • Premium China

  • Schroder Global Emerging Markets

  • Templeton Global Equity

Investors / members with holdings in these investment options.

View further information
30 January 2015

Perpetual International Share

  • Change to investment manager

  • Change to investment strategy

  • Change to name

  • Notification of reduction in management fee and introduction of performance fee from 17 April 2015

Investors / members with a holding in Perpetual International Share

View further information
1 October 2014

Change of Investment Manager - Schroder Global Emerging Markets Investment Option

Change of Investment Manager for the Schroder Global Emerging Markets Investment Option from Schroder Investment Management Australia Limited to Schroder Investment Management Ltd.

26 September 2014

Change in benchmark names


Following the sale of UBS’s bond index business to Bloomberg, the following indexes are being renamed:

UBS Bank Bill Index to Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index

UBS Composite Bond Index to Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index

26 September 2014

Correction to investment guidelines

Investors in Perpetual Balanced Growth

The investment guideline for fixed income is 0-35%

15 August 2014

Macquarie Investment Management Limited, the responsible Entity of the funds: van Eyk Blueprint - Capital Growth, van Eyk Blueprint - Balanced, van Eyk Blueprint - High Growth has decided to commence termination of the funds.

No transactions are permitted until further notice

View letter

6 August 2014

Suspension of the following investment options effective immediately: van Eyk Blueprint – Capital Stable, van Eyk Blueprint – Balanced, van Eyk Blueprint – High Growth

No transactions are permitted


4 August 2014

Change to investment guidelines

Investors in Schroder Fixed Income

View further information