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Ramaciotti Foundations

Ramaciotti Foundations

Supporting biomedical research

2025 Ramaciotti Awards

Applications for the 2025 Awards are now open and include The Ramaciotti Biomedical Research Award, The Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence and The Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants.

Please refer to the 2025 Guidelines for key dates and further information on the eligibility and conditions for each of the award categories.

2024 Ramaciotti Award recipients

Perpetual, as Trustee of the Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Foundations, congratulates the 2024 recipients of the Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research, the Biomedical Research Award and the Health Investment Grants. In 2024 the Foundations have distributed over $1m to support biomedical researchers in Australia.

This $1 million grant is awarded every two years to a group or individual undertaking biomedical research within universities, public hospitals, medical research institutes or other similar organisations.

The award funds projects including personnel, equipment, major infrastructure improvements or new laboratories that help an existing, well-funded program of research or enable a major new program to begin. Traditionally, it funds a need that would not attract funding elsewhere.

The Ramaciotti Scientific Advisory Committee helps Perpetual select the winner from nominations received.

The Biomedical Research Award is offered every second year and alternates between organisations based in NSW and organisations based in all other states and territories. Organisations are therefore eligible to apply every four years. 

The Ramaciotti Medal is an annual award of $50,000. The Medal honours an individual who has made an outstanding discovery (or discoveries) in clinical or experimental biomedical research that has had an important impact on biomedical science, clinical science, or the way in which healthcare is delivered.

To be eligible for the Ramaciotti Medal, the greater part of the nominee's work leading to the discovery (or discoveries) must have been conducted in Australia and they must still be actively engaged in this work.

The applicant must be peer nominated and the final recipient is selected based on a recommendation by the Ramaciotti Foundations Scientific Advisory Committee to Perpetual. Many past winners are highly regarded individuals in the top echelon of the biomedical research industry.

Ramaciotti Health Investment grants of up to $100,000 are awarded to individuals in universities, public hospitals or institutes for a contribution towards the undertaking of health or medical research with the potential path to clinical application within five years. A Health Investment grant is intended to provide enabling research support for an autonomous early career investigator who is taking, or has recently taken, a substantive position.

Grants are awarded by Perpetual, Trustee of the Foundations, on the recommendation of a dedicated Scientific Advisory Committee.

Improving lives for decades

The Ramaciotti Foundations are collectively one of the largest private contributors to biomedical research in Australia and have granted over $69 million to research projects since 1970.

That generosity – and the dedication and genius of countless doctors, researchers and scientists – has improved health and lives both in Australia and around the world.

Crucially, that initial gift of $6.7 million back in 1970 was given ‘in perpetuity’ and thanks to intelligent, careful investing has grown to be worth more than $69 million today. It has funded a wide range of projects, including many that might not have received support from other sources.

For over 50 years, the Ramaciotti Foundations have been expanding biomedical research. As trustee, Perpetual is proud to celebrate and honour their achievements – and to help carry on Vera Ramaciotti’s vision for decades to come.

Driving 50 years in biomedical research


Ramaciotti Foundations

Supporting biomedical research

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