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Applications for the 2025 Ramaciotti Awards

Applications for the 2025 Ramaciotti Awards

Applications for the 2025 Ramaciotti Awards

Perpetual will be utilising Grant Toolbox for submissions for the 2025 Ramaciotti Awards.

Our existing system (Smartygrants) will remain open for any existing Ramaciotti grant requirements. 

There are two steps for applying:

  1. Registration for Grant Toolbox
  2. Submitting applications

1. Registration

Previous recipient

If you have previously received funding from Perpetual, your contact details have been transferred to Grant Toolbox. You need to set a password to access and update your profile. Follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Register here' below
  2. Click on the "Forgot Password" link located just under the login area.
  3. Enter your registered email address, and you will receive a password reset link.
  4. Click the link and set a password.

If you don’t receive the reset email, please ensure you check your junk/spam folders prior to contacting Grant Toolbox.

New applicant

If this is the first time you are applying for funding from The Ramaciotti Foundations or Perpetual please:

  1. Click 'Register here' below
  2. Use the 'Register' button on the login page to start a new profile.

Should you encounter any technical issues or have any questions about the above process, feel free to contact Grant Toolbox by raising a ticket.

2. Applying

Once you have access to the system, you can view and submit various forms for the 2025 Ramaciotti Awards by logging into the toolbox.

Any questions regarding The Ramaciotti Awards including eligibility should be emailed to Perpetual.