Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions


Visit our Forms page for your specific Perpetual Investment product to download a form.

Forms And Transactions

When you apply for a product you must complete the relevant customer identification form and provide the required identification documents, unless you have previously done so. This process only has to be completed once. Full instructions are provided in the customer ID forms.

This is to comply with our obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (2006) that requires financial services providers and financial advisers to collect and verify the identity of customers.

Advisers submitting applications on behalf of their clients must either complete the ‘record of verification procedure’ section in the ID forms or send in certified copies of customer ID documents.

Customer ID forms for individuals/sole traders have been inserted into both our printed and web-based product disclosure statements. Customer ID forms for trusts have also been inserted in most PDSs. Download ID forms for all other types of customers.

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