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We are committed to providing high quality products and services to our clients. If our products or services do not meet your expectations please let us know. We will investigate your concerns as quickly as possible to try to resolve them to your satisfaction.
If you have a complaint please let us know.
If you have feedback or a complaint, we want you to tell us about it and give us the opportunity to address your concerns.
You can lodge a complaint by doing one of the following:
Contacting your Perpetual financial adviser, trust manager or client manager directly.
Completing our Online complaint submission form.
If your complaint relates to our investment funds or superannuation funds, by telephone, to 1800 022 033
Via email
By Post addressed to:
Client Advocacy Team
GPO Box 4171
Sydney NSW 2001
There is no cost to you if you raise a complaint with us.
We recognise that some of our clients might require assistance to lodge a complaint. We are happy to accept complaints made on behalf of our clients by their authorised representatives or advocates.
If you are hearing or speech impaired, the National Relay Service can help you make a call to us. You will need to register to use this service – please see National Relay Service for further information. When using the National Relay Service to make a call to us, please ask them to call your Perpetual trust manager, financial adviser or client manager, or, if your call is about one of our investment funds or superannuation funds, ask them to call 1800 022 033.
Our complaints handling policy is available in a number of different languages and formats:
When you raise a complaint with us, you can expect us to listen to your views and treat you courteously and respectfully when we do. You can also expect that we will investigate thoroughly and without bias, and that the resolutions that we propose to you will be fair and reasonable, based on the facts and circumstances specific to your case. This does not mean that we will always agree with your position, and in instances when we don’t, we will explain our reasoning behind why our position is different to yours.
For certain complaints we receive, particularly in relation to mortgages and credit matters where a Perpetual company is named as the lender on a contract, external parties may be responsible for managing your complaint. If you lodge a complaint of this type, when we acknowledge your complaint, we will let you know that your complaint is being managed by an external party and provide you with their details.
Our commitment to you
If you have lodged a written complaint, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours or as soon as possible after that.
We will aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as we can. Where we can, we will resolve your complaint on the spot or as soon as possible after that.
If we can’t resolve your complaint within five days, we will contact you to confirm:
The contact details of the case manager who is investigating your complaint;
The applicable maximum response timeframe for your complaint; and
Your options if you are not happy with our handling of your complaint or are unhappy with the outcomes or resolution we have proposed.
For most superannuation and pension complaints: 45 days.
For complaints about traditional trustee company services: 45 days.
For most complaints about credit and lending products: 21 days.
For most other complaints (including investments and advice complaints): 30 days.
What we need from you
If you are lodging a written complaint and have any documents or records (including account statements and any records of correspondence with Perpetual) that highlight what has gone wrong, please include these when you lodge your complaint.
Your timely co-operation is appreciated if we follow up requesting additional information, or to advise of additional requirements from you.
Final outcome response
If your complaint has not been resolved within five days of being received, we will provide you with a response in writing advising you of the final outcome of your complaint. You will also receive a written final outcome response if your complaint relates to financial hardship, a decision or determination made by the trustee of your superannuation fund about your account (including any decisions regarding insurance claims), or if you ask for one.
When we provide a formal outcome response, we will:
Outline the key complaint issues that you have raised, and we have investigated;
Summarise the material facts and circumstances that we have uncovered in investigating your complaint;
Provide an assessment on whether, on balance, we accept, partially accept or do not accept your position and the rationale that we have applied in forming our view;
If required, outline what actions we have taken, or are proposing to take to resolve your complaint; and
Outline your options for taking your complaint further if you are not happy with our response.
If we offer, and you accept monetary compensation as resolution for your complaint, we will implement the resolution as soon as we can, and generally no later than 30 days from the date that you confirm that you have accepted the resolution we have offered.
Occasionally, complaints are complex, or we need information from other parties to enable us to respond to your complaint. When circumstances such as these occur, we might not have a reasonable opportunity to respond to your complaint within the maximum response time. If we are unable to respond within the maximum response time, we will write to you to let you know of the delay.
If you are still unhappy the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) may be able to assist you
If you are not happy with:
The final outcome we have proposed in our response to your complaint;
Any aspect of our handling of your complaint;
A delay in responding by the maximum response time that has been notified to you,
the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) may be able to assist you. AFCA operates the external dispute resolution scheme established by the Commonwealth Government to deal with complaints about financial firms from individuals and small businesses. AFCA service is at no cost to you.
AFCA’s contact details are as outlined below
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
If you contact AFCA and they are not able to assist you, other options to resolve your complaint may be available. Please contact our Client Advocacy Team for further information.
Zero tolerance for abuse
Our team members are entitled to a safe working environment free from harassment and bullying. We have zero tolerance for our team members being abused, threatened, intimidated or belittled when they are dealing with complaints.
The information on this website is intended for Australian residents or citizens who are currently located in Australia, or where expressly indicated, New Zealand residents or citizens who are currently located in New Zealand only, and should not be relied on by residents or citizens of any other jurisdiction. By clicking the “Proceed” button below, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of use.
Please read this information carefully as it governs your use of this website. Except as otherwise indicated, the contents of this website and the products and services are intended for persons residing in the United States, and the information on this website is only for such persons. This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where its publication or availability is prohibited. Persons in such jurisdictions must not use this website. By clicking the “Proceed” button below, you are agreeing to these terms.
Please read this information carefully as it governs your use of this website. The contents of this website and the products and services mentioned are intended for persons residing in Singapore, and the information on this website if only for such persons. This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where its publication or availability is prohibited. By clicking the “Proceed” button below, you are agreeing to these terms.
This information and the terms of use are subject to change at any time without notice. The contents of this website are intended for residents and citizens of the United Kingdom, and the European Union, and should not be relied on by residents or citizens of other jurisdictions. All investment products and services referenced in this website are managed and offered by either JOHCM or its affiliates within the Perpetual Limited group of companies ("Perpetual Affiliates"). By clicking the “Proceed” button below, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of use.
This information and the terms of use are subject to change at any time without notice. The contents of this website are intended for residents and citizens of the United Kingdom, and the European Union, and should not be relied on by residents or citizens of other jurisdictions. All investment products and services referenced in this website are managed and offered by either JOHCM or its affiliates within the Perpetual Limited group of companies ("Perpetual Affiliates"). By clicking the “Proceed” button below, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of use.