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Credit Information Policy


As a statutory credit provider, we must treat any consumer credit-related information (credit information) we come into contact with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Privacy Act) and Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (Code).

We do not directly collect, disclose or handle your credit information or request your credit reporting information from credit reporting bodies (CRBs). Instead, we work with clients or other credit providers who conduct these activities.

In collecting, handling, disclosing or otherwise dealing with your credit information, our clients or other credit providers must comply with the law, their own credit reporting policies and the agreements they have with us.

In the event that we come into possession of your credit information, this credit information policy (policy) sets out how we will handle, disclose or otherwise deal with that credit information.

This policy is relevant to current and former credit customers of our clients or other credit providers, as well as other individuals we deal with in connection with any credit that our clients or other credit providers provide (such as guarantors and directors).

For information about our management of your other personal information, please see our Privacy Policy, available by visiting http://www.perpetual.com.au/privacy-policy.aspx or by contacting our Privacy Officer 


This policy applies to Perpetual Limited (ABN 86 000 431 827) and its related entities in Australia. 
