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Listed Investment Vehicles

Listed Investment Vehicles

Direct access to Perpetual's proven active management expertise.

Perpetual offers a wide range of investment solutions to best suit your individual needs. For those investors who want direct access to Perpetual’s proven active management expertise via their stockbroker or online share trading account, we have a range of listed products available on the ASX. Listed Investments from Perpetual are available in a range of investment options including active ETFs, listed investment company (LIC) and listed investment trusts (LITs) covering Australian equities, global equities, responsible investments and credit and fixed income strategies.

Investment options include:

  • Barrow Hanley Global Share Active ETF (ASX:GLOB)  
  • Perpetual ESG Australian Share Active ETF (ASX:GIVE)
  • Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (ASX:PIC)
  • Perpetual Credit Income Trust (ASX:PCI)